Phineas and ferb and the transport inators of doom
Phineas and ferb and the transport inators of doom

phineas and ferb and the transport inators of doom phineas and ferb and the transport inators of doom

Angry that Perry escaped, he decides to activate his conveyor belts of doom, therefore giving Perry a harder time getting around the building, and hindering Ferb's attempts to reach Phineas as well. Perry is not able to catch him, and Doof returns to his lab. Seeing Perry escape, Doofenshmirtz escapes through a teleporter with Perry in pursuit. He shows him the teleporters which he duplicated, which he calls the Transport-inators of Doom (pretending that he made them all by himself), which will allow how to produce more evil inventions, a scheme which he calls "Evil 2.0." Perry puts his hand in a teleporter his hand then comes out of another teleporter and grabs the key near it to free himself. As he kicks his way through a window and into the DEI building, Doofenshmirtz locks him inside a cage (which he is mass producing). Have fun in this new game that we have for you, here on games-kids.Meanwhile, the boys' pet platypus Perry is revealed to be a secret agent he dons his secret identity and is given the assignment to stop Dr. You have to use the indications you get from your friends and try to get trough every level in order to stop Dr. Doofermirtz from Phineas and Ferb’s world.You will have to join them and help them to destroy the dimension-ator and ruin the plans of the evil Dr Doofenshmirtz from the second dimension.

phineas and ferb and the transport inators of doom

In this new game that we have for you, a new mission is ready for the two brothers, their sister and Agent P as they are in the 2d dimension facing the evil Doofersmirtz from that world, who is also the ruler, unlike Dr. This new game that we have for you is a new adventure game in which you have as main character your friends from the movie Phineas and Ferb 2nd Dimension. Are you ready for another adventure? Well the administrative tean of has decided to offer you another new and beautiful online game, another game in which you will have alot of fun playing with some of your favourite characters from the animated disney series, Phineas and Ferb.

Phineas and ferb and the transport inators of doom